Negotiators from the EU and the UK are set to carry on their marathon discussions through Sunday as they attempt to reach a resolution over goods and services, according to the nation’s front pages.

The Sunday Mirror reports it is “Hours from a no deal”, an outcome for which the Sunday Express says “We are ready!”.

The Sunday Times says supermarkets are stockpiling food and other goods, with food producers warned “there will be shortages of vegetables for three months”.

Ministers are preparing a multibillion-pound rescue package for industries that will be the worst affected if a trade agreement is not reached, according to The Sunday Telegraph.

The Observer says the Prime Minister faces a “rising tide of anger” from senior Conservatives and business leaders over a no-deal outcome and for threatening to use Royal Navy gunboats to defend UK fishing waters.

The Government purchased personal protective equipment to fight the coronavirus “from firms accused of slavery” despite warnings from within Whitehall, The Independent reports.

Actor Bobby Davro tells the Daily Star Sunday of his “Covid hell” after being “forced apart from his frail father”.

And the Sunday People carries the positive tale of young child Stanley Dalton’s “cancer miracle” after donations from strangers allowed him to receive a pioneering treatment in Singapore.