KIDDERMINSTER Harriers have announced they will be launching a youth team next season to unearth the next Lee Hughes.

The club disbanded its original youth team two seasons ago because of financial problems but manager Mark Yates has been eager to start it up again and find Harriers' stars of the future.

Yates will oversee the youth trials at Aggborough on Wednesday, April 23 at 7pm and Sunday, April 27 at 11am.

Potential players should be eligible to play at under-18 level next season and need to be under 18-years-old before August 31, 2008.

They must also be willing to commit to regular training and a full or part-time education course.

For further details, contact Nick Griffiths or Dave Edge on 01562 863821.

There are still place available on Harriers' strikers and goalkeepers courses over the Easter holidays.

The fun courses run from 10am, cost 8am each day and are open to children aged between five and 14-years-old.

The sessions will be held at Cleobury Mortimer's Lacon Childe High School next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Anyone interested can pick up a form from Harriers' club shop or contact the community office on 01562 863821 to register.